Halloween Weekend & Safety Tips
- Children should always go out trick or treating accompanied by a responsible adult. A couple of adults with a group of children is always a good idea to keep an eye on things.
- Some towns set a curfew for trick or treating which makes it easier for townsfolk to know when to expect the bulk of trick-or-treaters. Picking a neighborhood with plenty of houses makes for a short trip with maximum candy exposure!
- Set a safe route. No back alley's or fields off the beaten track, stay in populated, well-light areas. For the older kids who are going it alone, agree on an end time and stick to it. Have them carry their cell phones for emergency's and make sure you know their friends and their plans.
- Instruct your child never to go into the home of a stranger or get into a car under any circumstances. Explain why and what to do in case this occurs.
- Wearing light colored clothing or reflective tape will make them more visible to cars. Make sure your child carries a flashlight or a glow stick.
- Remaining in groups are the best way to stay safe. As always, make sure to check all candy before letting the children go at it. Make sure you toss away any unwrapped or suspicious items.
- Remember to respect yourself and others, as well as other people's property. If their lights are not on, chances are their not participating in the candy giving. Move on to the next well-light house.
As always, REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN & take care of each other. Remember to DRIVE SAFE and slow down in populated neighborhoods. Make this Halloween the BEST ONE EVER!!!