Pumpkin Plays Small Part In Large Cause

From time to time here at Pumpkin Fine Cars we like to veer away from blogs strictly dealing with our business and our inventory and write about subjects that effect everyone in some way shape or form.  A close personal friend of Pumpkin Cars owner's Franck and Gina Freon is Tomra Vecere.  Tomra has done something amazing and we wanted to share it with all of our friends and customers.  Tomra is a member of Team In Training which is an organization that trains athletes to compete in marathons, half marathons, triathlons and other endurance sport competition with one goal in mind, not to win and be number one, but to raise money to fight cancer.  In Tomra's case she trained for and raised funds for five months to participate in the Rock 'n' Roll 1/2 Marathon in Virgina Beach over Labor Day Weekend.  Team In Training raises money as part of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and Tomra reached her goal of not only finishing the race, but also her goal of raising more than $2,500 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  We would simply like to say, "Job very well done Tomra".  This was quite an accomplishment.  Pumpkin Cars just received a thank you letter from Tomra detailing her experience and though we made a small donation to the cause, we should all be the ones to thank her for sacrificing and training hard to meet her fundraising goal and donate the money to an extremely worthy cause. 
In the letter sent to Pumpkin Cars, Tomra states that her team of 30 athletes from New Jersey raised over $80,000 for cancer research and that is more than amazing!  Tomra also explains about how physically difficult and demanding the training was, let alone the actual race.  She explains that the motivation of all of those effected by and suffering from Leukemia, Lymphoma and other Blood Cancers as well as all of those who generously contributed to her fundraising efforts would not let her quit or give up.  Once the pain and soreness of the race subsided Tomra believes that it was one of the most amazing experiences of her life.  We can see why.  What a great way to contribute and give back to those in need!  It is one thing to raise, donate or participate in events to raise money and awareness for certain charities and causes, but quite another thing to physically sacrifice and train in order to run a half marathon and raise money.  Once again, Tomra, we at Pumpkin Fine Cars salute you, your effort and determination to raise money for such a great cause.  Please keep up the good work and we will be here to support you in your next endeavour!  Log onto http://www.teamintraining.org/ to read more about the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Team in Training for more information.
As always, Pumpkin Cars can be reached over the phone at 609-646-7676 or via email at info@pumpkincars.com.  Please find and "Like" Pumpkin Cars and Franck Freon on Facebook, follow @PumpkinCars on Twitter and if you enjoyed what you have just read, please subscribe to our blog


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