This Thursday, November 11th, is Veterans Day. As all of us are aware, for almost a decade our country has been actively fighting one or more wars at any given time. What a few of us may take for granted, however, is what a huge sacrifice those members of our armed forces make in order to fight these wars and protect those of us at home. Being as that our country raises a strictly volunteer military speaks volumes of what these brave men and women give up in order to serve our country. Many of our soldiers are very young men and women that joined the armed forces for various reasons, including having a steady job, earning money to further their education and following in a family tradition. The vast majority do not sign up hoping that they get to fight in a war, of this we can be sure, but at this point that is exactly what the vast majority gets. They say, "war is hell", and I would strongly doubt that any of us can disagree. However, sometimes it is necessary and throughout the history of our great country we have had to fight. So whether it is a 90 year old veteran of the World Wars, a 60 year old veteran of Vietnam or 20 and 30 year old veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, please realize that individual gave greater than themselves to protect our country and it's ideals and values. Regardless of whether you agree with the justification of any given war or not these most of these men and women do not decide to go to war, they simply follow orders and do their jobs. What can you do to repay these patriots we may ask? It is a difficult question to answer, but I believe that many of these men and women would settle for a firm handshake and a sincere "thank you". So this Veterans Day, please make sure to recognize friends, family members and even strangers that have served in the military and continue to do so by thanking them for their service. Thank them for doing a job that most of us do not want to do, or cannot do.
One way that we here at
Pumpkin Fine Cars would like to extend our thanks to our veterans is by offering a discount on our inventory to military veterans. It is a very small gesture, but given the fact that most of the members of our armed forces come home and have a difficult time finding jobs, rebuilding their families and lives, especially given the current state of the economy, we feel it is a necessary gesture.
Franck and Gina Freon insisted that we do our best to honor those who have served bravely and admirably.
Between Thursday, November 11th and November 30th, Pumpkin Fine Cars is offering a $500 discount to our veterans on any vehicle in our inventory. The only thing needed to qualify for this discount is proof of service. We hope that it makes a difference and that we can help a Vet buy his or her dream car. As previously stated, it is indeed a small gesture, but we feel strongly about saying "Thanks". Remember the best way to honor our Veterans is with a firm handshake and a sincere "Thank You", that is something they all will appreciate, just knowing that we care.
As always, Pumpkin Fine Cars can be contacted over the phone at 609-646-7676 and via email at
info@pumpkincars.com . You can find and
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